Saturday, May 07, 2005

Early Show: Stephenie

StephenieStephenie was interviewed twice during the CBS Early Show, first by Harry Smith and then later by Rene Syler.

The segment with Harry wasn't too revealing. Stephenie said once again how much she hates to lose. Caryn ruined her attempt at a Girl Power alliance. Harry commented on how strong she is and Stephenie said that she's not as strong as the men left on Koror. She's not sure why she was so good at the shooting challenge. Finally she said that her tears at Tribal Council weren't planned or faked. As the others talked and it became apparent that she was going to be voted off in stead of Janu, who didn't even want to play any longer, Stephenie was just all overcome with emotion.

The talk with Rene was more revealing. Rene asked Stephenie if she could have merged with just one member of Ulong who would she choose? Stephenie answered Bobby Jon. She would have picked Jeff if he hadn't hurt his ankle. (He broke his ankle over a year ago and knew it was in bad shape again.) Her letters from home were very positive and helped her a lot. She was only expecting a letter from her mother but she got letters from her entire family and boyfriend ('sorry guys). Some food items at the auction weren't shown (I was right, I can do math after-all.) Stephenie said that she voted for Caryn because she ruined her attempt at a Girl Power alliance. Also, more telling, Tom told her to vote for Caryn. Finally Stephenie tried for the Girl Power alliance because Ian would not commit to an alliance with her and Tom.


Friday, May 06, 2005

Early Show: Gregg

GreggHindsight is 20/20 as they say. Gregg said that he should have seen it coming (his being voted off), but he didn't. Furthermore he set himself up by leaving his two biggest threats (Tom and Ian) alone while he went away for the night on the yacht. Gregg said he didn't try and get Tom voted off earlier because he was using him as a "buffer"; Tom would take the heat of being in the spotlight rather than himself. Gregg didn't say much about Jennifer other than that they bonded early.

It was nice to see a Survivor be honest rather than trotting out the old cliche about being "a threat." Gregg had more reason than most to use that old saw but he didn't, he was honest - he screwed up. I'm sure we'll get more information about his relationship with Jennifer this afternoon on Survivor Live.


Episode 12, Good-bye Gregg

GreggGregg wins Reward and choses Jennifer and Katie to go for a night on a luxury yacht with him. While they are away Tom, Ian and Caryn plot Gregg's removal from the game. Ian wins Immunity in a challenge that features elements of previous competitions. Katie is given an ultimatum: vote for Gregg or pick lots to see who is removed at Tribal Council. She does indeed vote with the three of them and Gregg is voted off at Tribal Council.

After the recap of last episode, Tom confides with us that he thought that he might have been voted of at last Tribal Council and Caryn tells us that she feels very vulnerable. Tree Mail brings news of a luxury Reward Challenge and Ian says that he and Katie have an agreement to take each other if either one wins.

Reward Challenge
Competition: torch drop
Reward: one night on a luxury yacht with shower, food and drink (and a surprise)

Each Survivor has a burning torch hanging over water by a rope as levers are released the torches are lowered into the water. Players get to throw the lever of one other player if he/she answers questions correctly.

First Question
Because of the shape the islands, Palau's islands are known as? Rock islands.
Caryn is out after only the first question!

Second Question
In Palau's past stones were once used as money. What did the heaviest stone weigh? 10,000 lbs. (their wallets must have been huge!)
Only Tom gets this one correct. Now Gregg, Katie, Tom and Ian each have their lever pulled once.

Third Question
Palau is surrounded by the North Pacific and what body of water? Philippine Sea
All of them get it correct and Tom and Ian are knocked out.

Fourth Question
In relation to the equator Palau lies where? North (by just 7 degrees)
Gregg and Katie get this one correct. Gregg asks Jennifer permission for who's lever to pull! He pulls Katie's lever which leaves Jennifer in the lead.

Fifth Question
True or False, Palau was the first country to issue a Elvis Presley postal stamp. True
Katie gets knocked out leaving just Gregg and Jennifer.

Sixth Question
The coconut crabs of Palau can do what after eating? Change color
Only Gregg gets it right so he wins Reward.

Jeff Probst tells Gregg that he can chose two of the others to go with him on the yacht. He selects Jennifer (no surprise there) and Katie (I thought that he would chose Tom or Ian).

Let the scheming begin!
While the three of them are enjoying the night of luxury, Ian tells us in private that the Reward Challenge showed him that Katie isn't that solid on his side (which is what it was designed to do). He, Tom and Caryn plot to vote Gregg off saying that he and Jennifer are in control of the game. In order to shake things up, Tom and Ian are willing to resort to picking lots (colored rocks) if there's a tie. Caryn is told to play like she is going to be voted off.

On the yacht, the luxury starts. They shower, get a massage and eat some nice looking fruit. Then surprise, family and friends show up! Survivors, family and friends get to go swimming with dolphins. Gregg, Jennifer and Katie all seem to think the plan is still on to vote Caryn off. Katie tells us that her strategy is to suck up to whoever has power until they don't have power any longer and then suck up to the new power holder. (It's a strategy, but not one that usually wins. I also think that it's lame.) Gregg tells us that Tom and Ian are a threat (then why didn't he try to get one of them voted off?).

The Reward winners return to the others and introduce their family and friends to the rest of Koror. Big tough guy Gregg cries talking about his mother.

Immunity Challenge
Competition: second chance

This competition takes parts of previous challenges and uses them in a series with the last place finisher of each stage eliminated.

1. The Rope Net climbing obstacle. Caryn eliminated.
2. Sea Star Puzzle (smaller and done on land this time). Katie eliminated. (Jennifer just beat her out)
3. Balut eating (3). Gregg eliminated.
4. Untie a Box. Jennifer eliminated.
5. Target Shooting. Tom eliminated.

Ian wins Immunity again!

Gregg and Jennifer seem to be falling for the ruse. With Ian and Katie alone, he gives her the ultimatum: vote for Gregg or take the chance of being removed from competition by the luck of the draw.

Koror at Tribal Council
The Jury watches: Coby, Janu, Stephenie
Probst: Winning Reward is nice but you miss out on the game while your away.
Gregg: Even though I won I think it was a good thing.
Probst: The Reward Challenge was designed to show who's weak and who's strong. Caryn you were the first out and in a hurry.
Caryn: It's hard but I think it was because I've had more food (reward-wise).
Probst: There are more implications than just missing out on some food. This is getting close to being over and one of you can win a lot of money. Jennifer the challenge really showed you and Gregg to be a team.
Jennifer: But we're playing individually.
Gregg: I didn't mean to be malicious at the Reward Challenge.
Probst: Caryn you came packed to Tribal Council?
Caryn: I've packed for every TC and I feel vulnerable here tonight.
Probst: Tom has anything happened recently to change your vote?
Tom: Not really we're all friends but all's fair in love and war. (and Survivor)

Time to vote.

Caryn gets two votes and Gregg four votes.

Gregg is voted off! Coby looks surprised (hand over mouth surprised) and Jennifer looks horrified (glazed eyes, slack jawed, mouth open horrified). I guess that she's smart enough to realize that she's next.

Jennifer's the next one gone. I don't think she's won a challenge yet and she's not about to start. Then it will be Caryn and Ian's turn.

Heroes and Villains
Is Caryn a bad player or what? She didn't realize the power she had, she was the swing vote. She could have run to others and voted off Tom or Ian. Of the five left, I'd like to see Tom or Ian win it all. Caryn hasn't played well, she's just Tom's pawn. Katie's Suck Up strategy is plain stupid. Who's the fifth player? Oh yeah, Jennifer is totally forgettable. She's possibly the most boring player ever to make it to the jury.

Official Episode Title: We'll Make You Pay

Won Reward: Gregg
(a night on a luxury yacht and family/friend visits)

Immunity: Ian
(second week in a row)

Voted Off: Gregg
(4 votes Gregg, 2 votes Caryn)


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Survivor Fantasy: My Picks

TomTom, first question at Tribal Council
He's obviously the leader; maybe Jeff Probst will put him on the spot. Things have to go real bad for him not to be in the final two.

points last week: 16

IanIan, first interview
He's often used for an objective view of what's happened, maybe he'll start off the show talking about last Tribal Council.

points last week: 33

KatieKatie, first question at Tribal Council
She hasn't gotten much screen time maybe that's about to change especially if she is going to be in the final two as I predict.

points last week: 18

CarynCaryn, first interview
I think she sides with Tom, Ian and Katie to be in the final four. She's just a pawn of Tom.

points last week: 8

I think this will be the final four with Tom and Katie in the final two. Tom most likely wins the 1 million dollars.

Tonight's Episode
We'll Make You Pay, Episode #1012.
The aftermath of an emotional Tribal Council and stormy weather combine for a night the tribe will never forget.

To their surprise and delight, some Survivors are overwhelmed by a visit from their loved ones.

A strong alliance leaves one castaway on the outside looking in, with Immunity the only chance for survival.

Paranoia sets in as alliances crumble and some Survivors feel like they've lost control of the game.

Note: I apologize for not posting this week but I’ve been busy. I’m back to normal now, so I’m back to posting several times a week. This weekend I will post my notes about Stephenie on the Early show and Survivor Live.
