Episode 11, So Long Stephenie
In an episode full of plotting and scheming Stephenie is voted off at Tribal Council in a landslide. The Reward Challenge was a Survivor Auction (done blind) for food and letters from home. Ian won Immunity.
After the recap of last episode, Stephenie says it would have just been wrong to keep Janu when she didn't really want to stay. Stephenie also says that she doesn't know who to trust. They all try and make her feel welcomed. Tom jokingly gives her the Immunity necklace. In private Gregg tells us that they should have taken her out the first chance they had and Tom tells us that she has great instincts and is really working hard to stay longer. Jennifer says that she would be willing to go against Gregg for a Girl Power alliance.
Reward Challenge
Competition: blind auction
Reward: various food items and letters from home
Each Survivor was given 500 US Dollars (the official currency on Palau) of real money for the auction.
First covered item was won by Jennifer for $120. She won an ice cream sundae.
Second covered item was won by Stephenie and Caryn for $200 (split evenly between them). Jeff Probst offers them a trade - both items unseen. They accepted the trade and won a double cheese burger with fries and a soda pop. They had originally bid on cheese and crackers.
Third item: Ian and Gregg won a plate of spaghetti for $300 (Gregg threw in $20 for a single bite). They too were offered a trade but turned it down. It turned out to be a bunch of live crabs. As Ian collects his prize Jeff Probst comments that he reeks.
Fourth item: Jeff Probst said that the first $40 wins a beer and Ian quickly won it.
Fifth item: Letters from Home. After tree mail Tom suspected letters might be offered so he was holding out for them. He won his letter for $220. Jeff Probst then said that anyone else could buy their letters for the same amount. Caryn and Stephenie quickly took him up on the offer.
That ended the auction. Jennifer said "No cheese and crackers?" (She's pretty vacant and I don't care.)
I think some items weren't shown. Seven people with $500 each is $3500. The total value of items shown was $1,260.
Ian declares that it is bath day and goes in the ocean with some of their soap and shampoo. Gregg helps him wash his back. Tom talks with Caryn. He tells us in confidence that he's trying to bring her into his alliance.
Immunity Challenge
Competition: tile toss
Each Survivor has five tiles in a horizontal frame that sits about two feet off the ground and maybe about fifteen feet way from them In turn they get a chance to throw a coconut to break one of their tiles. The first player with all five of his/her tiles broken win Immunity. If they break the tile of another competitor it scores for the other player.
Ian wins Immunity when Tom accidently knocks out Ian's fifth tile. (I don't think Tom did it intentionally. He wasn't very good at this at all.) Stephenie who really needed this was horrible. She finished with just two tiles broken. Most of the others had three tiles broken.
Now the scheming really heats up.
Katie talks to Caryn about a Girl Power alliance to vote out Tom. Caryn goes to Tom and tells him about it. Tom says "you must be sure of our alliance" and she says "huh, I'm telling you because I told you I would tell you things." (Man, she's bad at this game. Tom has himself a pawn.) Tom tells Ian about the Girl Power thing. Ian tells Katie that Caryn is talking about a women's alliance. Katie tells us in private that there will be no Girl Power alliance because Caryn "sucks." Gregg just wants Stephenie gone.
Koror at Tribal Council
The Jury watches: Coby, Janu
Probst: Ian has paranoia set in yet?
Ian: A little but we're a solid group.
Probst: Stephenie what was the tribe's reaction to last week's Tribal Council (where Janu quit)?
Stephenie: It wasn't too uncomfortable. They made me feel welcomed.
Probst: But you are still a bit of an outsider in their happy family.
Stephenie: Yes, it is tough.
Probst: Caryn when did the game intensify?
Caryn: After last Tribal Council. (She's pretty clueless. I'd say it's been intense for longer than that.)
Probst: Would you be surprised it you were voted off tonight?
Caryn: No. (At least she's not totally stupid.)
Probst: Tom you've been the leader and haven't held back. Was that a conscious decision?
Tom: No, it just happened that way. We needed to win competitions (against Ulong) so I just did my best. I hope they don't hold that against me. (He was sincere but they usually do hold it against the strong player.)
Time to vote. As she is voting Katie says "it's nothing personal, I'm just voting with the rest of the tribe."
Caryn gets 1 vote and Stephenie 4 (that's enough).
I still think that Tom wins this thing. Caryn just takes the place of Stephenie. Which makes it even easier for Tom. Now his only real threat is Ian. Tom, Ian, Katie and Caryn should just vote Gregg and Jennifer off now.
Heroes and Villains
Caryn does indeed suck. A Girl Power alliance would have given her a real shot at the million dollars (and kept my Stephenie in the game longer). Stephenie would be the first target of the final female four leaving Caryn with Katie and Jennifer. All three would be equally undeserving of winning.
Official Episode Title: I'll Show You How Threatening I Am
Won Reward: everyone won something at the auction
(food and letters from home)
Immunity: Ian
Voted Off: Stephenie
(4 votes Stephenie, 1 vote Caryn)