Friday, May 06, 2005

Early Show: Gregg

GreggHindsight is 20/20 as they say. Gregg said that he should have seen it coming (his being voted off), but he didn't. Furthermore he set himself up by leaving his two biggest threats (Tom and Ian) alone while he went away for the night on the yacht. Gregg said he didn't try and get Tom voted off earlier because he was using him as a "buffer"; Tom would take the heat of being in the spotlight rather than himself. Gregg didn't say much about Jennifer other than that they bonded early.

It was nice to see a Survivor be honest rather than trotting out the old cliche about being "a threat." Gregg had more reason than most to use that old saw but he didn't, he was honest - he screwed up. I'm sure we'll get more information about his relationship with Jennifer this afternoon on Survivor Live.
