Saturday, May 07, 2005

Early Show: Stephenie

StephenieStephenie was interviewed twice during the CBS Early Show, first by Harry Smith and then later by Rene Syler.

The segment with Harry wasn't too revealing. Stephenie said once again how much she hates to lose. Caryn ruined her attempt at a Girl Power alliance. Harry commented on how strong she is and Stephenie said that she's not as strong as the men left on Koror. She's not sure why she was so good at the shooting challenge. Finally she said that her tears at Tribal Council weren't planned or faked. As the others talked and it became apparent that she was going to be voted off in stead of Janu, who didn't even want to play any longer, Stephenie was just all overcome with emotion.

The talk with Rene was more revealing. Rene asked Stephenie if she could have merged with just one member of Ulong who would she choose? Stephenie answered Bobby Jon. She would have picked Jeff if he hadn't hurt his ankle. (He broke his ankle over a year ago and knew it was in bad shape again.) Her letters from home were very positive and helped her a lot. She was only expecting a letter from her mother but she got letters from her entire family and boyfriend ('sorry guys). Some food items at the auction weren't shown (I was right, I can do math after-all.) Stephenie said that she voted for Caryn because she ruined her attempt at a Girl Power alliance. Also, more telling, Tom told her to vote for Caryn. Finally Stephenie tried for the Girl Power alliance because Ian would not commit to an alliance with her and Tom.
