Saturday, April 02, 2005

Survivor Live: Ibrehem

IbrehemIbrehem thought Stephenie was going to be voted off instead of him. He and Bobby Jon had a sort of unspoken alliance since the first day (note: I don't remember it being shown). Ibrehem didn't go for Stephenie's offer to vote off Bobby Jon because he didn't feel that he could trust her. He called Bobby Jon a cool, good guy and Stephenie a little conniver. Ibrehem wanted Stephenie to be the caller rather than Bobby Jon in the floating puzzle Immunity challenge but the two of them thought Bobby Jon would do a better job. Everyone stayed positive despite losing so often.

James' God comments didn't offend Ibrehem, it was just "stupid redneck" talk. James is just a showman and Ibrehem really didn't want to talk about him. He denies that he was a lazy as made out to be by James, he did his fair share of work. Furthermore Ibrehem says James wasted a lot of time on useless things. He mentioned a chicken trap or cage that James spent hours on and was never used. And when they asked James what it was for he just said something like "maybe we'll need it." Ibrehem said Jolanda was physically stronger than Stephenie but her attitude was too strong so she wasn't liked. Angie for some reason took the sewing kit when she left. Ibrehem thinks Coby is playing the best strategically.

Ibrehem is currently in New York modeling and acting.


AP: Ulong Tribe Is Worst Ever for 'Survivor'

By The Associated Press

New York - Maybe they should change their name to Ulose. As of Thursday's episode, the Ulong tribe is the losingest tribe in "Survivor" history, having failed every immunity challenge on the Palau-set edition of the CBS reality show.

"I'm still kind of boggled by it," Ibrehem Rahman told The Associated Press Friday. "It might have been some sort of Palau ghost or something working against us. Who knows?"

Rahman, one of three remaining Ulong members, was the latest victim of the losing streak — and a voting flip-flop. Despite Rahman's hush-hush alliance with Bobby Jon Drinkard from the start of the show, both Drinkard and Stephenie LaGrossa cast their votes against him.

"I thought we were pretty tight," Rahman said of Drinkard. "I was surprised when I was the one that got my torch snuffed. I didn't really get a chance to ask him why there was a breakdown in communication."

In an interview with the AP at the beginning of the season, host Jeff Probst promised a "season of firsts." With only two tribe members left, Ulong may be the first "Survivor" tribe to become extinct.

Maybe they should just change their name to Ugone.


Friday, April 01, 2005

Early Show: Ibrehem

IbrehemIbrehem was interviewed by Julie Chen. He says that he was surprised to be voted off, he thought Stephenie was going. Even though they lost so often they always expected to win challenges. For some reason they just didn't "gel" at the competitions. Ibrehem says he couldn't have been the director in the Immunity puzzle challenge so he doesn't blame Bobby Jon for having difficulty with it.


Thursday, March 31, 2005

Episode 7, Ibrehem's Torch is Extinguished

IbrehemKoror win Reward and Immunity ('sound familiar?); at Tribal Council Ulong votes off Ibrehem.

After the recap of last episode: Ulong have moved to the cave. Stephenie tries to boost their spirits by saying that maybe they're a second half team. Once again she says how shocked and embarrassed that she is to lose so many times, but she's done the best that she could. Ibrehem says that they're more like a group of friends than a tribe.

TomOver on Koror Ian hauls a giant clam out of the ocean. He estimates that it had 6 to 7 pounds of meat in it. They place the bloody clam shells in the water and it attracts a shark. Gregg and Ian grab their spears and go after it, but they miss it and Ian cuts his foot (on a nail on the outrigger canoe I think). However Tom (left) kills a shark with a machete (you read that correctly, a machete). It wasn't really shown, but it sounds like he slashed it with the machete and then grabbed it by the tail. Privately Ian says he was briefly the hero until Tom one-upped him in the food department. Tom tells us that "the cat's out of the bag" to the others regarding his strength. After Tom got the shark Coby confides in us that he and Gregg sort of looked at each as if to say "now it's gonna be hard to get rid of Tom."

Reward Challenge
Competition: S O S signal building contest
Reward: an air dropped food crate
competing for Koror: Gregg, Caryn, and Katie

CarynSurvivor fans have seen this competition before. Each tribe has to build an S O S signal to be viewed from a plane. An impartial judge (in this case, a certified jump master) then decides which tribe did the better job and wins reward. The judge said that Ulong had a nice signal (the burnt wood and leaves was a good contrast to the white beach) but it was too close to the jungle so you had to be right overhead to see it. Koror had a bigger signal that was closer to the water, so Koror wins Reward! Caryn (left) cries tears of joy and toasts "to a great tribe." They won three bottles of red wine, MREs (meals ready to eat - army food) and more fishing equipment (like they really need any of this).

At Koror several people are shown talking about the Gregg-Jenn relationship. Alone at the water hole, Gregg and Jenn talk amongst themselves. She thinks it's a "non-issue" (is she really that naive?). Gregg seems worried about how the others see them and him being distracted by her. She says Gregg thinks about the game "all of the time" (oh, he never has time for me, he's always trying to win a million dollars). Coby tells us he really doesn't care about them as long as they keep their word with him (like that's something not to worry about). Tom is concerned, he says their relationship could "throw a monkey wrench" into the game. At Ulong the three of them are out in the outrigger canoe and Bobby Jon comes up with a giant clam and a decent sized black fish.

Immunity Challenge
Competition: floating puzzle
competing for Koror: Coby, Janu, and Jennifer

The puzzle was 8 squares (each about two feet long) in a frame big enough for nine such squares (three by three) floating in the water. The missing space allows the other squares room to be moved around. Each square has part of the big picture (in this case a star) and must be manipulated to form the complete star. First tribe to do so wins Immunity.

CobyBobby JonEach tribe got to have one person standing on a platform to direct the other two. Coby (left) did the honors for Koror and Bobby Jon (right) for Ulong. After 30 minutes Jeff Probst noted that Ulong hadn't made much progress, Koror was about half way there, and Janu was having a hard time. Stephenie takes over for Bobby Jon and they start to make some headway. Unfortunately it was too late. At an hour fifteen minutes Jeff Probst notes that Koror are almost done. Shortly thereafter Koror wins Immunity!

StephenieAt Ulong it seems like Stephenie (left) is in real danger of being voted off. Bobby Jon tells her he's not sure how he'll vote. She even goes to Ibrehem and says to him that she'll vote for Bobby Jon if he wants her too but Ibrehem is noncommittal. (Don't tell me my Stephenie is going to be voted off!)

Ulong at Tribal Council (Jeff Probst apologizes for his raspy voice)
Probst: You had trouble with the Immunity challenge. Who decided who the caller would be?
Bobby Jon: We all decided together that I'd do it.
Probst: You've been beaten by all of Koror not just the same 3 or 4 of them, but combinations of all of them.
Bobby Jon: It hasn't been fun. It's not like we are trying to lose.
Probst: Tonight has to be rough for you all since you're more than a tribe, you're friends.
Bobby Jon: Yes, we all depend on each other. We have a good camp life.
Probst: Bobby Jon why would you vote for Stephenie?
Bobby Jon: She's a threat, she's strong and smart.
Probst: Ibrehem what would you say to change their minds (if they're thinking of voting for you)?
Ibrehem: I'm loyal and honest.
Probst: Stephenie what are you basing your vote on?
Stephenie: Who can help me out but I'm real worried.
Probst: Bobby Jon are you worried?
Bobby Jon: Yes, I'm vulnerable.

Time to vote:
Ibrehem is voted off 2 votes to 1. Stephenie got the lone vote.

GreggUlong are just about finished. They each have no hope to win this thing, even if they were to merge they are horribly outnumbered by Koror. The Gregg (left) and Coby Soft Alliance seems to be holding or at least Coby thinks it is since he mentioned it tonight.

Heroes & Villains
I still like Stephenie but she can't last much longer - two, three weeks tops. Koror has been real cocky lately so I'm not that happy with any of them. For example: before Immunity Bobby Jon said they caught a fish but that he was afraid of sharks. This got Koror laughing at Ulong. Afraid of sharks? Tom here killed one this afternoon, ha ha ha! I can't wait until Koror have to start voting off people.

Official Episode Title: The Great White Shark Hunter

Won Reward: Koror
(wine, food, fishing equipment)

Immunity: Koror

Voted Off: Ibrehem


Survivor Fantasy: My Picks

TomTom, first interview
It looks like he bags a shark this week so unless it's a land shark (or near the beach) he'll have to go into the ocean and score some fantasy points along the way.

points last week: -2

IanIan, first interview
He's close to Tom so maybe he'll be in the water too and maybe he'll get interviewed first about the whole matter.

points last week: -2

KatieKatie, takes a nap
She's the leading point scorer on Koror so she must be doing something right. She's already scored takes a nap points so maybe she'll snooze again.

points last week: -2

StephenieStephenie, first interviewed at tribal council
She's the second leading scorer in Ulong. Ibrehem is leading them however I'm afraid if they go to Tribal Council that he'll be voted off. Plus there are only three left on Ulong so she's bound to read tree mail, go in the water or something.

points last week: 10

Tonight's Episode
The Great White Shark Hunter, Episode #1007.
Tom goes head-to-head with a shark; when one tribe member is forced to sit out a challenge, the other members begin to doubt the tribe's ability to win.


Sea Mist Beach Club

Sea Mist Beach ClubThe Sea Mist Beach Club, my tribe in the Survivor Fantasy League, has scored 5,815 points so far. We are only 294 points behind the 100th place team in the private tribes standings. Hopefully we can crack into the top 100 in the next few weeks. We can do it if everyone keeps their team up to date, remembers to set their bonus points, and answers the weekly bonus questions.

This Week's Bonus Questions and Answers are:
1. What snack was included on top of the first Tree Mail? (chips)
2. At the beginning of the Immunity Challenge, what was James most concerned about tying? (skirt)
3. What name did James write down on the parchment at Tribal Council? (Ibrehem)

You have until 8:00 p.m. ET tonight to submit your answers.
