Ulong wins Reward, Koror wins Immunity and Jeff (right) is voted off at Tribal Council.
After the recap of last episode, Ulong is bummed out about losing Immunity again. Jeff and Kim are really upset at Jeff Probst for his tough questions at Tribal Council (hey, he's just doing his job). Over at Koror they're bummed out because of the rain and they have a lousy shelter. Caryn explodes and yells at Katie while they are away from the others. Basically Caryn is upset that Katie is always criticizing her. (By the way, I think Caryn is crazy)
Reward Challenge
Competition: water ring wrestling
Reward: sewing kit
Sits out: Caryn and Williard
Each tribe has a small floating platform. Farther out in the water is a lifesaver-type ring. The first player to touch his tribe's platform while holding on to the ring scores one point. First tribe to three points wins reward. First two men, one from each tribe, will compete; then two women; and then a mixed pair, one man and one woman from each tribe.
First up: Tom vs Jeff (left)
Tom gets the ring first, but Jeff basically just drags Tom in the ring to his platform to score the point. Ulong 1, Koror 0.
Next: Jennifer vs Stephenie (left)
Stephenie gets to the ring first and scores the point without much struggle from Jennifer. Ulong 2, Koror 0.
Lastly: Gregg and Janu vs Angie (left) and Bobby Jon
This was a hard fought battle. Everyone seemed to be dunking everyone else. Angie and Bobby Jon managed to score the knockout point. Ulong 3, Koror 0.
Ulong wins
Back at camp,
Ulong are happy they won.
Bobby Jon (right) wants to use some needles from the sewing kit to make fish hooks. In private
Ibrehem questions what he's going to do with a sewing kit since he doesn't know how to sew. Also in private,
Bobby Jon is disappointed that his tribe is a bunch of lazy people (especially
Kim). He then is shown fishing with the Hawaiian sling but he only gets a real small fish.
Over at
Koror, they have found some poisonous snakes. (How did they know that the snakes are poisonous? Is someone an amateur herpetologist or did someone on the film crew clue them in?)
Gregg (right) and
Ian manage to kill a few of the snakes. They hang the bloody snakes in a tree over the water and some sharks come in near the beach to investigate, blood in the water tends to do that to sharks. The three wack-jobs then think that they can kill a shark as well. However they are armed with nothing but sharpened sticks and the sharks get away.
Tom vows that they will kill a shark someday.
At night while everyone is asleep
Jeff heeds the call of nature and while walking back to bed sprains his ankle by turning it on a coconut (stupid coconut, who left that lying around?). He says he heard a "pop" and felt a tear, neither are good signs.
Immunity ChallengeCompetition: tribal run around
sits out:
Janu and JenniferEach tribe is tied together and each member is carrying a backpack with twenty pounds of sand in it. The tribes start out equal distant from each other on a staked out oval course in shallow water. Both tribes move in the same direction and the first tribe to catch up to the other wins reward. Players may drop out but they must give their backpack to a tribe member.
Jeff of course drops out right away.
Williard is close behind him. The women except for
Stephenie (left) also drop out.
Coby eventually drops out too. That leaves
Williard and
Ian for
Koror and
Bobby Jon,
Ibrehem and
James for
Ulong. And then
James drops out . . .
Koror slowly gains on
Ulong and eventually wins
Jeff tells his tribe that he's sorry that he couldn't contribute in the Immunity challenge and that they should vote him off at Tribal Council because of his sprained ankle. He estimates that under these conditions it would take three weeks to heal. Privately
James tells us that
Ulong's plan was to vote off
Kim next.
Bobby Jon tells us that he thinks
Jeff should stay despite his bad ankle.
Ulong at Tribal Council (yet again)
Probst: Ibrehem are you frustrated?
Ibrehem: Yes, we would have won if we had Jeff healthy.
Bobby Jon disagrees and says Tom beat them.
Probst: Stephenie has there been a lot of finger pointing?
Stephenie: Not really, Jeff told us to vote him off.
Probst: Jeff you're smiling?
Jeff: Yes, I'm a team player and they're better off without me.
Probst: Ibrehem how does work figure into your vote?
Ibrehem: Everybody works hard. (Probst should have asked Bobby Jon this question.)
Probst: Kim are you frustrated?
Kim: Yes, losings sucks. I'm not as strong as some of the others like Bobby Jon (she says he's strong like Tarzan) so I couldn't really help out.
James: We've been debating whether to keep Jeff or not.
Time to vote:
Jeff is voted off with 4 votes shown.
James is shown voting for
Kim votes for
Jeff; Bobby Jon for Kim.
Ulong has to go to Tribal Council again
Kim is clearly in danger of being voted off.
Caryn is most likely the first to go on
Heroes & VillainsI still don't like
Caryn, I wish that she would just go already. My favorites on
Ulong are
Stephenie and
Angie. My favorites on
Koror are
Tom and
Official Episode Title:
Dangerous Creatures and Horrible SetbacksWon Reward:
Ulong(sewing kit)
Won Immunity:
KororVoted Off:
JeffAired: 4 votes for
Jeff, 2 votes for
Kim, 1 vote for
James(Jeff voted for James)