Saturday, March 05, 2005

Sea Mist Beach Club

Sea Mist Beach ClubThe Sea Mist Beach Club, my tribe in the Survivor Fantasy League, has scored 1,978 points so far. We are only 190 points behind the 100th place team in the private tribes standings. Hopefully we can crack into the top 100 in the next few weeks. We can do it if everyone keeps their team up to date, remembers to set their bonus points, and answers the weekly bonus questions. (Note: our scores don't look like they include the bonuses for this week's questions.)

This Week's Bonus Questions and Answers are:
1. What object did Jeff roll his ankle on? (coconut)
2. Who's name did James write down on the parchment at Tribal Council? (Kim)
3. During the Immunity challenge, how many total pounds did Bobby Jon end up carrying? (80)


Friday, March 04, 2005

Survivor Live: Jeff

Survivor Live, the Internet Talk Show
Guest: Jeff
Hosts: Dalton Ross (Entertainment Weekly) and Jenna Morasca, sole survivor Survivor Amazon

JeffComments made by Jeff
He maintains his team player attitude. His ankle really was hurt. It took three weeks to heal. He pulled ligaments in it. After Survivor he had surgery to remove some bone fragments in it. It sounds like he knew of the fragments before Survivor because he said it was a regret that he didn't have the surgery before going on Survivor. He did make an ace bandage from the sewing kit that they won, but it wasn't shown.

He voted for James to knock him down a notch or two. Jeff said James has a real attitude. Jeff wasn't / isn't attracted to Ashlee at all. He denies hitting on / coming on to her, although they did have a nice long hike together. (I believe him. I bet they had a general talk about sex and Ashlee - the conservative Mormon - mistook it as him hitting on her. He seems like a nice guy, not at all like Ashlee made him out to be.) Stephenie is a great swimmer and a strong competitor. However standing out may make her a target once the merger happens. Ian is also a good swimmer and he's stronger than he looks. No new Kim information. They're friends and stay in touch. He did say she tried more than has been shown so far. She had some problems with her contact lenses.

Ulong needs to have a good strategy to win immunity; that's why they won the reward challenges. The Immunity Challenge last night lasted about 30 minutes. Jeff would like to clarify that at the end of the show last night he said "Kill Koror" not "Go Koror".

My Take on Survivor Live
This season I'm a little disappointed with Survivor Live. It's just a chit-chat show without any substantial in-depth analysis of the game. They should cut it to 30 minutes. I'm glad that they dropped the Thursday show. Last season it was really hit or miss depending on the guest. A 30 minute show on Thursday with interesting guests that have been watching the current edition might be a good idea.

Back to the current Survivor Live, Dalton Ross seems to know more about Survivor than Chris Booker (last season's co-host) however Jenna Morasca is awful. As James would say "all she has going for her is her sexuality." She just doesn't ask real probing questions or add any real insight into the game like Richard Hatch did last season. I never liked her as a Survivor, Rob or Matthew deserved to win Amazon more than she did.

To make matters worse, they're starting to show these Replay Survivor home videos that fans send in. The two that they showed today were pretty bad. I'm not looking forward to seeing more of them.

Despite all of this I will continue to watch and write up a summary for you.


Early Show: Jeff

JeffJeff: Harry Smith started by saying that Jeff was done in by a coconut. Jeff maintains that he just couldn't go on with his ankle hurt and that he has no regrets about asking them to vote him off. His ankle didn't heal quickly and he would have remained a liability. His sprained ankle really broke his heart but he has no one to blame but himself.

Regarding Kim: they were portrayed as building an alliance, but they were really building a friendship (aah, how cute. it sounds rehearsed to me). They were not trying to be Rob and Amber. He still stays in touch with her; he didn't elaborate and that ended the brief interview.


Thursday, March 03, 2005

Episode 3, Lame Jeff Gone

JeffUlong wins Reward, Koror wins Immunity and Jeff (right) is voted off at Tribal Council.

After the recap of last episode, Ulong is bummed out about losing Immunity again. Jeff and Kim are really upset at Jeff Probst for his tough questions at Tribal Council (hey, he's just doing his job). Over at Koror they're bummed out because of the rain and they have a lousy shelter. Caryn explodes and yells at Katie while they are away from the others. Basically Caryn is upset that Katie is always criticizing her. (By the way, I think Caryn is crazy)

Reward Challenge
Competition: water ring wrestling
Reward: sewing kit
Sits out: Caryn and Williard

Each tribe has a small floating platform. Farther out in the water is a lifesaver-type ring. The first player to touch his tribe's platform while holding on to the ring scores one point. First tribe to three points wins reward. First two men, one from each tribe, will compete; then two women; and then a mixed pair, one man and one woman from each tribe.

JeffFirst up: Tom vs Jeff (left)
Tom gets the ring first, but Jeff basically just drags Tom in the ring to his platform to score the point. Ulong 1, Koror 0.

StephenieNext: Jennifer vs Stephenie (left)
Stephenie gets to the ring first and scores the point without much struggle from Jennifer. Ulong 2, Koror 0.

AngieLastly: Gregg and Janu vs Angie (left) and Bobby Jon
This was a hard fought battle. Everyone seemed to be dunking everyone else. Angie and Bobby Jon managed to score the knockout point. Ulong 3, Koror 0.

Ulong wins Reward!

Bobby JonBack at camp, Ulong are happy they won. Bobby Jon (right) wants to use some needles from the sewing kit to make fish hooks. In private Ibrehem questions what he's going to do with a sewing kit since he doesn't know how to sew. Also in private, Bobby Jon is disappointed that his tribe is a bunch of lazy people (especially Kim). He then is shown fishing with the Hawaiian sling but he only gets a real small fish.

GreggOver at Koror, they have found some poisonous snakes. (How did they know that the snakes are poisonous? Is someone an amateur herpetologist or did someone on the film crew clue them in?) Tom, Gregg (right) and Ian manage to kill a few of the snakes. They hang the bloody snakes in a tree over the water and some sharks come in near the beach to investigate, blood in the water tends to do that to sharks. The three wack-jobs then think that they can kill a shark as well. However they are armed with nothing but sharpened sticks and the sharks get away. Tom vows that they will kill a shark someday.

At night while everyone is asleep Jeff heeds the call of nature and while walking back to bed sprains his ankle by turning it on a coconut (stupid coconut, who left that lying around?). He says he heard a "pop" and felt a tear, neither are good signs.

Immunity Challenge
Competition: tribal run around
sits out: Janu and Jennifer

Each tribe is tied together and each member is carrying a backpack with twenty pounds of sand in it. The tribes start out equal distant from each other on a staked out oval course in shallow water. Both tribes move in the same direction and the first tribe to catch up to the other wins reward. Players may drop out but they must give their backpack to a tribe member.

StephenieJeff of course drops out right away. Williard is close behind him. The women except for Stephenie (left) also drop out. Coby eventually drops out too. That leaves Tom, Williard and Ian for Koror and Bobby Jon, Stephenie, Ibrehem and James for Ulong. And then James drops out . . .

Koror slowly gains on Ulong and eventually wins Immunity.

Afterwards Jeff tells his tribe that he's sorry that he couldn't contribute in the Immunity challenge and that they should vote him off at Tribal Council because of his sprained ankle. He estimates that under these conditions it would take three weeks to heal. Privately James tells us that Ulong's plan was to vote off Kim next. Bobby Jon tells us that he thinks Jeff should stay despite his bad ankle.

Ulong at Tribal Council (yet again)
Probst: Ibrehem are you frustrated?
Ibrehem: Yes, we would have won if we had Jeff healthy.
Bobby Jon disagrees and says Tom beat them.
Probst: Stephenie has there been a lot of finger pointing?
Stephenie: Not really, Jeff told us to vote him off.
Probst: Jeff you're smiling?
Jeff: Yes, I'm a team player and they're better off without me.
Probst: Ibrehem how does work figure into your vote?
Ibrehem: Everybody works hard. (Probst should have asked Bobby Jon this question.)
Probst: Kim are you frustrated?
Kim: Yes, losings sucks. I'm not as strong as some of the others like Bobby Jon (she says he's strong like Tarzan) so I couldn't really help out.
James: We've been debating whether to keep Jeff or not.

Time to vote:
Jeff is voted off with 4 votes shown. James is shown voting for Kim; Kim votes for Jeff; Bobby Jon for Kim.

If Ulong has to go to Tribal Council again Kim is clearly in danger of being voted off. Caryn is most likely the first to go on Koror.

Heroes & Villains
I still don't like Caryn, I wish that she would just go already. My favorites on Ulong are Stephenie and Angie. My favorites on Koror are Tom and Ian.

Official Episode Title: Dangerous Creatures and Horrible Setbacks

Won Reward: Ulong
(sewing kit)

Won Immunity: Koror

Voted Off: Jeff
Aired: 4 votes for Jeff, 2 votes for Kim, 1 vote for James
(Jeff voted for James)


Jeff Probst on The Late Late Show

Jeff ProbstJeff Probst was a guest on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson last night. There were two topics of discussion.

First Craig had a National Enquirer stating that Jeff Probst wanted Regis' job on Live With Regis and Smelly. Jeff said that wasn't true. He's perfectly happy just filling in for Regis when he goes on vacation.

JulieThe other topic was Julie (pictured left), Jeff's love interest. He said once again it's more than just dating. He used the 'L' word again. Jeff even hinted that he expects to marry her because he can't see himself with anyone else (she's really got a hold of him). Jeff said that he's seen Julie's psychological profile for Survivor. He didn't say what it revealed but he did say the show's psychologist said she's a good match for him. So he's got that going for him.


Survivor Fantasy: My Picks

For what it's worth, here's my Survivor Fantasy team:

Ian Ian, first interview
He still seems to be a quiet leader of Koror. In the promos he's shown in the water (points!) trying to kill the shark.

Tom Tom, first interview
Tom also seems a safe bet no to be voted off. If Koror goes to Tribal Council Caryn is in danger of being voted off. Tom also goes shark hunting with Ian.

Gregg Gregg, first interview
Gregg's also a safe pick. He's athletic and could go in the water at any time. I've given up on the "finds unexploded ammunition" bonus. I think it's a red herring.

Stephenie Stephenie, first questioned at tribal council
Stephenie still seems to be the quiet leader of Ulong. If they find themselves at Tribal Council again (for the third week in a row!) she's a good bet for first interview. She's also athletic so she may get me some "goes in ocean" points as well.

Tonight on Survivor
"Dangerous Creatures and Horrible Setbacks", Episode #1003.
Jeff suffers an injury that may cost his tribe a challenge; a lack of work ethic within a team disturbs one of its members.

Quitters Never Win
The online speculation is that Jeff leaves tonight. Either he quits because of his injury or he's voted off because of his injury and relationship with Kim.


Monday, February 28, 2005

Episode 2, TV Ratings

Ratings: Second 'Survivor: Palau' episode draws 21.6 million viewers

by Steve Rogers, 02/27/2005 at

The second episode of CBS's Survivor: Palau once again crushed its ratings competition, dominating its time period in both viewers and all key demographics.

According to the final national Nielsen ratings for Thursday, February 24, Survivor: Palau's second episode averaged 21.64 million overall viewers and delivered a 12.3/19 rating/share in households, a 5.8/16 in Adults 18-34, a 7.9/20 in Adults 18-49, and a 9.3/21 in Adults 25-54.

While Survivor's second episode numbers were down slightly from the previous week's monster premiere episode ratings performance, the CBS reality series still easily won its time period, more than doubling NBC's delivery in the hour.
