'Survivor' Wraps Up Shoot
Dec. 23, 2004
by Oyaol Ngirairikl
from the Guam Pacific Daily News
It started in Borneo, and now the Rock Islands of Palau will star, along with 20 people, in the 10th season of the reality hit TV show "Survivor."
"Survivor: Palau" concluded filming earlier this month and will air on CBS early next year, according to Reality World, a Web site that -- as the name suggests -- tracks reality shows.
According to Reality World and other sites that follow "Survivor" news, the newest season will have dramatic changes in the game.
And while the office of the president of Palau has remained mum on whether the show has been taped on the island, the office did confirm that scouts from the show visited the island last summer.
President Tommy Remengesau has said the island nation would like to court filmmakers and television shows. Palau's main economic engine is eco-tourism.
Palau has hosted a Japanese survivor television series and was the site of a recent Yahoo! commercial featuring a talking dolphin.
In an official announcement to Palauan residents posted in October, the national government and the government of the island state of Koror warned boaters of restrictions.
The sign advises boaters that they cannot get closer than 1.2 miles from several rock islands south of the nation's capital city of Koror.
"These restrictions will likely last into early December, but are subject to change as some locations are added and others are no longer needed," the announcement states.
According to a Survivor Fever article, sets for the show were built in several locations, including Ulong, Malakal Island, Ngeruktabel, Macharchar and Ngkesill.