Friday, March 11, 2005

Survivor Live: Kim

Survivor Live, the Internet Talk Show
Guest: Kim
Hosts: Dalton Ross (Entertainment Weekly) and
Jenna Morasca, sole survivor Survivor Amazon

KimComments made by Kim
The biggest revelation was that the Immunity challenge matches (sumo wrestling) were the best of three. What do Jeff and Kim have in common? Bad movies: he likes the Pauly Shore opus Bio-Dome and she likes the David Spade masterpiece Joe Dirt.

When asked if Bobby Jon is crazy she replied that he's "on edge." Angie is overcompensating (trying too hard) for being picked last (and being the freak?). Kim thinks this will hurt her in the game. (I disagree, if Angie can make it to the merger then she can team up with Coby's alliance.) Kim doesn't care for Coby. She says he gossips too much, but he is funny. Ibrehem is a very laid back nice guy. She said the usual about Jeff: awesome person, they stay in touch, and they weren't trying to be Rob and Amber. Kim admits not doing as much work as the others and says maybe the guys worked too much. So much so that possibly they were too tired for the challenges.

Replay Survivor: This weeks 'winner' wasn't much better than the videos shown last week; it wasn't funny at all. Please stop sending videos in then I won't have to sit through them each week.

Latest Evidence that Jenna Morasca is a Lame Co-Host
Jenna contradicted herself. Early on she criticized James for being out for himself and then later she said Survivor is a game for individuals. (There may be no 'I' in 'team', but there is an 'I' in 'Survivor'.) Also whenever they talk about strength Jenna talks like it is the most important factor in Survivor. Interpersonal skills are the most important factor. Know yourself, be a good judge of other people, don't stand out, and with a little luck you can go far in the game. A lot of the challenges don't even require strength. That's what makes Survivor interesting to me. If it were just about strength then it would be like the Battle of the Network Stars without the stars. And even with stars the Battle of the Network Stars was boring.

Note: Survivor is on Wednesday night next week and Survivor Live will be on Thursday afternoon.


Early Show: Kim

She was 99% sure that she was going at Tribal Council. She's not sure why James didn't like her, but she thinks he was threatened by her relationship with Jeff. Speaking of Jeff: he's in California and she's in Ohio but they talk a lot. She looks forward to seeing him at the reunion. She says that she wasn't prepared enough strength-wise. She also had problems sleeping at night (could that problem be named 'Jeff'?).

My Take:
James was right about one thing: "All she has going for her is her sexuality" (personally I find her to be pretty vacant - kinda cute, bland personality). I think her strategy (if she had one) was to play the sex kitten and have some men carry her along. When that didn't work well enough (only Jeff fell for it) she didn't know what to do. It doesn't look like she even went to Ibrehem or Bobby Jon about voting off James.


Episode 4, Kim is Voted Off

KimKoror wins Reward and Immunity and Kim is voted off at Tribal Council.

After the recap of last episode, Kim misses Jeff. (Jeff apparently is the only man that Kim cares for on Ulong. All the others she bad-mouths at just about every confessional.) Bobby Jon says that Ulong is not a close tribe anymore.

Tree mail says to pick a tribal representative. Both tribes have a problem with this but Ulong has the most. When Jeff Probst shows up Ulong still hasn't picked yet. They chose James on the spot. Koror picks Ian to represent them, after debating between Gregg and him.

Reward Challenge
Competition: build-a-bathroom
Reward: professionally built shelter
Sits out: Jenn, Coby and Janu

Jeff Probst shows up on a barge with a big closet-sized tool chest. Each team's representative gets to chose six tools to be used in building a bathroom. Whichever tribe builds the best bathroom wins a professionally built shelter. The judge is the man who's in charge of building all of the sets for Survivor (I think his name was Jesse Jenkins - he sounded Australian).

Koror wins Reward! It was hard to see all the details of each bathroom set-up, but I think Ulong should have won. Their shower had a little wooden platform to stand on and a drainage system to whisk the water away. At Koror it looked like you would be standing in mud as you showered.

After building the shelter the construction crew leaves the Survivors a house warming gift - a few ice cold bottles of champagne.

Immunity Challenge
Competition: sumo sea wrestling
sits out: Ian, Katie and Willard

On a round platform in the water each player is given a padded board with two handles and they have to knock the other into the water without taking their hands off of the board (and no kicking). The first tribe to 6 points wins Immunity.

Here's how they paired up (winner is underlined):
1. Tom vs Bobby Jon, 2. Jennifer vs Stephenie, 3. Gregg vs Ibrehem, 4. Caryn vs Angie, 5. Coby vs James. 6. Janu vs Kim, 7. Tom vs Bobby Jon, 8. Jennifer vs Stephenie, 9. Gregg vs Ibrehem, 10. Caryn vs Angie, 11. Coby vs James

Koror wins 6 to 5. Note: Old man Tom beat "tarzan" Bobby Jon twice. James the redneck steelworker lost twice to Coby the gay hairstylist. Angie is almost in tears after losing Immunity once again.

JamesBack at camp in private James (left) says "A lot of gay folks are strong and go to the gym and all." (But Coby doesn't look like he goes to the gym very often.) Stephenie is really upset and says that was an embarrassment. The women discuss voting off a man because if a woman goes then the men can just pick off the women one at a time - 3 men to 2 women. (Are they resigned to losing every Immunity?) As far as James and Bobby Jon are concerned, Kim is the only choice.

Ulong at Tribal Council (fourth straight time)
Probst: Stephenie have you been frustrated?
Stephenie: Yes, very much so. This sucks.
Angie: I'm frustrated too, especially since we lost both reward and immunity.
Probst: What about work and accountability?
Kim: Bobby Jon and James are always taking the sling, but we all go out to fish together. (she goes on to basically make excuses for not doing anything at camp.)
Probst: Stephenie could the women survive without the men?
Stephenie: We rely on the men to fish but if we were alone we could be self sufficient. (what did you expect her to say "no we're helpless without them"?)
Angie: We can take care of ourselves. (She also explains that she knows how to use a hammer and doesn't seem to appreciate James assuming that she doesn't know such things.)
Bobby Jon: The women are strong. (really, even Kim?)
James apologizes for losing to Coby.
Probst notes that the women (Stephenie and Angie) won 4 of the 5 Ulong points at the Immunity challenge.

Time to vote:
Kim is voted off with 4 votes shown. James is shown voting for Kim; Kim votes for James.

Based on Coby talking about picking a tribal representative it looks like Koror is split like this: Coby, Janu, Willard and Caryn versus Ian, Gregg, Tom, Jennifer and Katie. However no one else mentions such a split and they have never been to Tribal Council, so who really knows.

Heroes & Villains
StephenieI like Ian and Tom in Koror. In Ulong I like Stephenie (right) and Angie. I'm not fond of Caryn and James.

Official Episode Title: Sumo at Sea

Won Reward: Koror
(professionally made shelter)

Won Immunity: Koror

Voted Off: Kim
Aired: 4 votes for Kim, 1 vote for James
(Kim voted for James)

Note: next week's show is on Wednesday night.


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Survivor Fantasy: My Picks

(note: updated Thursday morning)
It seems Ian is rumored to sit out a competition so I'm making a last minute change. Angie in for Ian.
Here are my Survivor Fantasy team picks for this week:

Angie Angie, first questioned at tribal council
She been a good point scorer and I don't think that she's in real danger of being voted off.Plus I don't have to worry about her sitting out a competition since she's in Ulong.
Last week: 50 points

Tom Tom, first interview
Tom also seems a safe bet not to be voted off. If Koror goes to Tribal Council Caryn and Katie are in danger of being voted off.
Last week: 26 points

Gregg Gregg, first interview
Gregg's still a safe pick. He's athletic and like Ian and Tom he could go in the water at any time.
Last week: 18 points

Stephenie Stephenie, first questioned at tribal council
Stephenie still seems to be the quiet leader of Ulong. I've switched her bonus points to "first questioned at tribal council." She's athletic so she may get me some "goes in ocean" points as well.
Last week: 50 points

Last Week's Top Scorers
Ibrehem 90 pts., Stephenie 50, Angie, 50, Kim 50

Last Week's Worst Scorers
Williard -2 pts., Caryn -2, Janu, -2

Remember: past performance is no guarentee of future results.

Thursday on Survivor
"Sumo at Sea", Episode #1004.
Tensions arise when both tribes are forced to chose a leader for reward challenge; one group considers banding together against another tribe member.


Monday, March 07, 2005

Ulong Voting Analysis

So far in the first three episodes of Survivor Palau only Ulong has been to Tribal Council. I thought that I'd take a look at their voting record to see if any alliances or patterns were evident.

Stephenie, Kim and Angie have all voted in the majority in all three votes. James was in the majority for the first two votes but then last week he voted for Kim instead of Jeff. Bobby Jon and Ibrehem have only voted with the majority once each. Bobby Jon's only majority vote was in week two when he voted for Ashlee. Ibrehem's majority vote was last week when he voted for Jeff. Ibrehem really looked like he was out of the loop in week two when he was the only one to vote for Kim.

What does this mean? To me it means that Kim may not be on as thin ice as it appears. If Ulong goes to Tribal Council this week, then I would not be surprised to see James or Bobby Jon be voted off. The three women plus Ibrehem give them enough votes to vote off either Bobby Jon or James (there's only the six of them left in Ulong).
