Survivor Live: Jeff
Survivor Live, the Internet Talk Show
Guest: Jeff
Hosts: Dalton Ross (Entertainment Weekly) and Jenna Morasca, sole survivor Survivor AmazonComments made by Jeff
He maintains his team player attitude. His ankle really was hurt. It took three weeks to heal. He pulled ligaments in it. After Survivor he had surgery to remove some bone fragments in it. It sounds like he knew of the fragments before Survivor because he said it was a regret that he didn't have the surgery before going on Survivor. He did make an ace bandage from the sewing kit that they won, but it wasn't shown.
He voted for James to knock him down a notch or two. Jeff said James has a real attitude. Jeff wasn't / isn't attracted to Ashlee at all. He denies hitting on / coming on to her, although they did have a nice long hike together. (I believe him. I bet they had a general talk about sex and Ashlee - the conservative Mormon - mistook it as him hitting on her. He seems like a nice guy, not at all like Ashlee made him out to be.) Stephenie is a great swimmer and a strong competitor. However standing out may make her a target once the merger happens. Ian is also a good swimmer and he's stronger than he looks. No new Kim information. They're friends and stay in touch. He did say she tried more than has been shown so far. She had some problems with her contact lenses.
Ulong needs to have a good strategy to win immunity; that's why they won the reward challenges. The Immunity Challenge last night lasted about 30 minutes. Jeff would like to clarify that at the end of the show last night he said "Kill Koror" not "Go Koror".
My Take on Survivor Live
This season I'm a little disappointed with Survivor Live. It's just a chit-chat show without any substantial in-depth analysis of the game. They should cut it to 30 minutes. I'm glad that they dropped the Thursday show. Last season it was really hit or miss depending on the guest. A 30 minute show on Thursday with interesting guests that have been watching the current edition might be a good idea.
Back to the current Survivor Live, Dalton Ross seems to know more about Survivor than Chris Booker (last season's co-host) however Jenna Morasca is awful. As James would say "all she has going for her is her sexuality." She just doesn't ask real probing questions or add any real insight into the game like Richard Hatch did last season. I never liked her as a Survivor, Rob or Matthew deserved to win Amazon more than she did.
To make matters worse, they're starting to show these Replay Survivor home videos that fans send in. The two that they showed today were pretty bad. I'm not looking forward to seeing more of them.
Despite all of this I will continue to watch and write up a summary for you.
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