Episode 10, Janu Quits at TC
Tom, Janu, Caryn and Gregg win Reward. Tom wins Immunity. Janu is exiled for being the first out of the Immunity challenge. At Tribal Council Janu quits and the plan was to vote off Stephenie.
After the recap of last episode, Janu feels betrayed because she wasn't told that her friend Coby was going to be voted off. (I think that I would feel more threatened than betrayed, but that's just me.) Janu catches Katie and Caryn gossiping about her and confronts them. She says something like "are we in junior high school?" The discussion gets pretty heated. (I wouldn't do this either, it just makes her more of a target.) In private Katie says Janu is a crazy person who talks in circles and Gregg says she's a "buzz kill."
Reward Challenge
Competition: build a tower in the water
Reward: a feast with the native Palauans
The Survivors are split into two teams. Each team has six scaffold pieces to build a tower out in the water. One piece at a time is carried out to the water to assemble the tower. The first few sections are underwater and the last few rise above the water. Once the tower is complete, someone is to climb the tower and retrieve a flag and everyone is to return to the beach.
It was close, but the team of Tom, Janu, Caryn and Gregg won. They met the chief and were entertained by some lovely young dancing women. Food-wise they had fish, chicken, ribs and corn on the cob. Beer was served but no one was shown drunk. Janu feels sick, excuses herself from the table and then vomits outside. (I'd say that's a buzz kill. Coby said on Survivor Live last week that she was sick with diarrhea and vomiting since Day 3.)
Immunity Challenge
Competition: Palauan water torture
All the Survivors were out in the water under some bars. There was about six inches between the bars. To start, the bars had several inches of clearance above the water however that changed as the tide came in. The last one to stay under the bars wins Immunity. To make things a little more interesting the first person to quit is to be exiled to an island to live by themselves for a night.
Here's the order that they gave up in: Janu (very quickly gave up, saying she was cold), Caryn (about an hour in), Katie, Jennifer, Stephenie, Gregg, Ian and Tom (the winner!). The men were smart and tried to make snorkels with their hands. Tom was the most successful at it so he won Immunity. When Janu quit most of the others were cracking jokes at her expense (the jerks). They laughed when Jeff Probst asked Janu if she ever made fire and she answered "no."
Immediately following the challenge Janu is whisked away on a boat to another island for the night. She's given a machete, flint, steel and a canteen of water. However she really struggles and it's not until after dark that she is able to start a fire.
Back on Koror, the plotting begins - who to vote off? Tom says to Gregg that the women want to vote off Janu. Gregg and Jennifer want to vote off Stephenie. Gregg says that she's a real physical threat. Tom tells us in private that it looks like Stephenie although he's personally against it.
Janu returns and is welcomed back by the others.
Koror at Tribal Council
The Jury watches: Coby, Janu smiles when she sees him.
Probst: Janu how was exile?
Janu: Hard but I did it. It took like ten hours to start a fire.
Probst: When the others wished you "Good Luck" did you believe them?
Janu: No, it was half sincere half the game.
Caryn: I'm shocked that Janu feels that way.
Probst: Tom how do asses your vote, the worth versus the threat of the others?
Tom: The game is on. Voting is strictly about the game.
Probst: And you Gregg?
Gregg: I see them all as threats. It's about what's best for me.
Probst: Katie why should they keep you?
Katie: I'm not a threat. (Good answer.)
Probst: Janu same question?
Janu: No reason. If I were them I'd vote for me.
Probst: It seems like you want to go?
Janu: I'm satisfied with how far I've gotten. Vote me off.
Probst: Ian why should you keep Janu if she wants to go?
Ian: No one is forcing any one to stay. If you want to go then go.
Probst: Stephenie if looks could kill then Janu would be laid out on the ground right now.
Stephenie: [all choked up] I cannot believe that she doesn't want to stay. I would do anything to stay and she could care less whether she stays or goes. (I think she even cries.)
Janu quits! She says that it's all on her own accord. Stephenie and Coby exchange glances and smiles.
No voting. Janu will still be part of the jury.
It looks like it will be Tom, Ian and Katie versus Gregg, Jennifer and Caryn. Stephenie is a goner next week unless she wins Immunity. In a preview to next week's episode, Stephenie is shown trying to get a girls-versus-guys thing going. That won't work, Jennifer is too close to Gregg. Heroes and Villains
How can anyone not like Stephenie? She gives her all for the game - physically, emotionally and mentally. She's also easy on the eyes. Alliance-wise, I like Tom, Ian and Katie. I don't care for Gregg and Jennifer. I really don't like Caryn, she's annoying.
Official Episode Title: Exile Island
Won Reward: Tom, Janu, Caryn and Gregg
(an island feast)
Immunity: Tom
Removed from Competition: Janu
(No voting, she quit on her own accord at Tribal Council.)
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