Monday, April 18, 2005

Early Show: Coby

CobyHarry Smith asked Coby if he snapped after being "left out" of the fishing trip. Coby basically said yes and that he's surprised he held his temper for so long. He did a lot of the hard work but no one would play with him (*sniff, sniff*) so he turned bitter. Harry also said he's sorry to see Coby gone because he was one of the few interesting people on Koror (I agree). Coby replied that he turned into a bitter old queen and it wouldn't have been interesting for long.

Coby had his little talk with Stephenie to give her power in the game. He knew he had little power in the game so he thought that he'd shake things up a bit. He didn't count on such a big backlash though (maybe he should have done it in a more discrete way then.)

In giving up Immunity for a few donuts he was "calling their bluff," whatever that means.

Standard Survivor Cliche: Coby said being on Survivor was an amazing experience that changed his life.
